We Have Moved!
for b-man
Stratons Moto Skidder
Mikes Specialized Sworks
Justins 1980 SE OM Flyer
T Whites Bikes

March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
February 2011



My bike's been in the wars a bit recently. I snapped my fork a couple of months back and the other day I got a glass flat in my tubular Gipiemme wheel.
I ride my bike to work most days, so I really need something fast and comfortable. And, while my BMX cruisers are fun, they become less so after 10km or so of riding.
I've been looking for a fork for ages now, partly because I'm suddenly really precious about good quality forks.
I finally found one, which is on its way, so in the meantime I've been running the tange fork from one of my Laguna cruisers in my track bike. Unfortunately the only stem that'll fit it is a BMX one, so I bunged an old school GT one in that I had lying around.
Altogether I thought it looked OK, but still not the nicest set up for commuting. Fun for messing around with tricks though.

The legend of DW-500

If there is one thing from working at Adventure Cycles I will never forget its the top secret lubricant Bruce would make called DW-500. Its ingredients were unknown but when applied liberally good results we often the case. Even after years of searching the back rooms I never did quite find the rumored barrel of DW-500. We have carried on the tradition and formulated what we call Motion Lotion. Don't ask whats in the bottle just know its certified.


Teva's done the report, all I can say is I had heaps of fun, even with a hangover and a flat tyre.

Bob and Rob

A cool Rivendell

Josca and his ratrod


Cool little tike going for it

Me. Extremely seedy and cursing broken glass.

Me, about to have a blast on Rob's Kos kruiser and Tim White.

Dave Benson


boy! waking up on sunday morning before 8 am is hard. but when it is to make history it deserve to wake up at 8.36 am. and i did participate in history.
we finally managed to ride the harbour bridge. i have been waiting for this for a whole hour.
jah man.

wazman got into the leading group by jumping over the fence followed by tim who threw his bike over. hamona disappeared in the crowd. brian was all over the show also disappeared and re-appeared in the late afternoon at the shop. and i was stuck with the back of the crowd walking and riding slow as krusty the clown.

it seemed like this sunday morning it all came together, everybody was happy and the temperature was perfect, sun was shining, girls were waiting to be picked up.

Oh! and justin was on foot taking a stroll like a troll...

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All Things Coloured

With out a doubt I do miss the Nishiki, even though it was 'A shitty conversion'.. I love the fact it looked like Skittles and Candy.... I love all this ANO.

I'm pretty sure the frame is still kicking around AKL somewhere, but I suspect the wheels are somewhere lurking in mudflats of Auckland Harbour.


Here is a few photos from a rad little shop I visted in Hong Kong called RODAFIXA.. a fixed project from 2008-2010. Its a small shop and is only open from 4pm and usually by appointment only. The owner Brian is a super nice guy and basically from what I can tell set up the shop to help, support an grow the fixed gear community in HK... which is awesome.

Check out Brian's Handbuilt Courage Cyclocross Bike, so rad!


I have just recently spent 3 weeks traveling through a few countries in Asia, here is a few photos I took of the local bikes... they really know how to make things last.

New Tees

The amazing Juliet Elliott from charge bikes and hellyeah projects has used one of my designs for her new tees.

I drew this hunkered down in my fortress of solitude (and mame) deep in the bowls of londons brutal winter. Well its brutal compared to the sunny shores east auckland. Now its summer(ish) up here so here's a nice white tee to express the enduring suffering inside.
I also found out juliet not only enjoys cycling and suffering but also is a fan of horribly brutal music. Her friend runs a super rad record label called AURORA BOREALIS. If you like stonymetaldoomnoise and other terrifying and trippy types of music check them out. There's heaps of great stuff on there, but I can definitely recommend the WORMSBLOOD LP and REVENGE Victory, Intolerance, Mastery. Oh and GNAW THEIR TONGUES 'An Epiphanic Vomiting Of Blood' and OM 'Pilgrimage' is super awesome badass too.

Party on dudes.

Is your bike up to standard

Lost camera post

To be updated. Until then, I've been jonesing on this Ocean frame a lot since I snapped the fork on my Bosomworth.

And what's not to like: It's made in the same factory as Vivalo, it's got a paint job that boldly goes where no man has gone before, has bar spin potential without looking retarded, has a cool shaped seat tube for extra rear wheel slamage, has rad graphics and it comes with some NJS certified goodies.

Starter Jackets Vs High Viz Vest

With winter coming into affect its time to get bundled up in warm gear and keep riding your beloved bike. This is were the Starter jacket come in. Not very warm extremly ugly and very visible. When a cars head lights strike the jacket its almost like the high viz vest seen around town on other cyclist Be Safe out there in bad style.

those rainy days...

it's been quite a while since somebody posted something here. about a week to be exact, and that's such a long time in our mega top top top top fast lives.
so i thought i would post something easy and cheap to get off me mind.
for the past few months i have been creating a crevasse on my plastic chair from lurking for the parts to complete the few frames that have been sitting in the nike terminator shoebox i live in.
well here are a preview of what i gather around from all over the world.

stuff from france, germany, hungary, belgium, greece, even an amazing custom made chainring coming as far as Christchurch.
finding parts and waiting for them is such a nightmare for me. so much that lately it's becoming very difficult to sleep a night.
but as a zombie told me once while we were having KFC that living in a fast food is not very healthy and gives you a hard karma.

SO in my non-sensical broken english I wanna SAY BIG BIG PROPS FOR the voice of our generation, MR. Haimona Ngata for giving me his super edition limited colony frame that only muscle power would fit bottom brackets on. all i had to do to get this little jewel was swapping the parts from this cool frame to a HARDCORE new frame from his cool sponsor.
who would have thought i would have such cool friends by being a bike geek, it only took me 23 years that's all.
so scream for your cream when getting a coffee.
GO Power Rangers!


Erik Elstran - April 2009 from North of Ten on Vimeo.


Finally managed to cobble together a BB for my raleigh bomber. The weather was nice and I was out of mi goreng so I took for a test ride to china town.
Heres the specs on this bad boy
Raleigh Bomber frame stripped back to chrome, originally had 26" 3 speed wheels
700c deep v 36h coaster hub rear, 32h stripped rear suzue track hub front
continental 32c touring tyres
trash cranks
trash front brake
trashing basket with innertube fasteners
brooks B67 chained with old tenspeed chain
original lever, bars, seatpost, headset
BBB pedals (might add some home made power grips for increased acceleration out of the starting gate)

Stocked up on noodles it was time to head to the fixed magazine launch at shop 14 for some free beers and the screening of Council of Doom. I took a couple of pics

nice bikes everywhere

Saw this big wheeler

saw some foot down

Drunk all the beers then it was burritto time but I didnt take any pics of that.
The pdf of the magazine should be up soon over here